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Current economic conditions have lead to an increase in both bad debt and fraud; failing to check the credit worthiness of a client could leave a broker open to serious financial loss at a time when business is already under pressure.

By providing up-to-date and accurate financial and credit assessment data, the Credit Assist service can help protect your business from these risks. Credit Assist is focused on ensuring members are given the information necessary to help avoid bad debt and fraud by providing credit reports containing the most up-to-date and accurate financial credit assessment data of businesses, both UK and overseas based.

The service includes:

  • Director reports and Companies House actual filed documents online
  • Assistance in reducing bad debt, setting credit limits and protecting against fraud
  • Accurate and comprehensive payment history data on businesses
  • Historic trend charts for risk scores, balance sheet and P&L summary
  • 24/7, 365 days availability with simple internet access


In today’s uncertain economic climate, knowing your customer is of crucial importance. For more information about Credit Assist, please contact Broker Direct on 0844 2489330.


corporate insolvencies in the 4th quarter 2008


increase on same period in 2007


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